Fraud and risk management tools
Reduce fraud and chargebacks without crashing customer experience or compliance.
Protecting your business is critical
From advanced fraud detection to industrial grade tokenization and KYC, Nuvei protects you and your customers.
Reduce payment fraud and chargebacks with Nuvei Shields Up
Transaction data is our greatest weapon in the fight against fraud. Crush false positives with a powerful set of customizable tools without compromising customer experience.
- Set 200+ unique rules for your industry and market
- Increase conversion rates and reduce fraud with Smart 3DS Routing
- Automated decisioning using IP geo location and AVS / CVV rules
- Chargeback dispute tool for efficient case creation and management
- Smart Routing and Dynamic Descriptor to minimize potential chargebacks
Encrypt and access customer data for secure, frictionless payments
Replacing sensitive data with a secure token means faster and more secure payments that can help create a better customer experience.
Through a combination of our agnostic and network tokenization features, we offer one of the most flexible and complete solutions in the market.
- Encrypt and store customer payment information to make the checkout experience secure and frictionless
- Tokens are dynamically updated to deliver higher authorization rates, simplified fraud management, and an improved customer experience
- Payment methods are updated in real-time so cardholder credentials stay current even if a physical card is locked due to fraud
- Provides a better customer experience with fewer false declines due to outdated information
Less fraud
Experience a major reduction in fraud rates when implementing network tokens to your payments process.
Ensure your security and compliance
We recognize the need for the highest security available to protect you and your customers. In compliance with PCI Data Security Standards, we have met and surpassed all requirements set forth as a Level 1 Service Provider.
Our technology and expert staff can help you reduce risk, chargebacks and simplify PCI DSS compliance.
- Mitigate threats before they become an issue
- Reduce effort and cost for Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance
- Access solutions to descope your PCI DSS requirements
Payments designed to accelerate your business
Choose Nuvei for payments that work harder to convert sales and boost your bottom line.